What we do

We are a boutique asset manager. Sustainable investment is at the core of our active investment business.

Asset Management

We offer a diverse investment offering across the risk/return spectrum – in equities and fixed income. 

Our partnerships

Collective impact requires commitment, collaboration and action towards clearly defined goals. 

Our investment strategies

All our strategies are designed to harness our understanding of the long-term drivers of investment returns and the impact of our investment decisions.

GIB AM Equity Index

Ability to create tailored solutions based on specific objectives, risk parameters and ethical considerations.

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GIB AM Sustainable World

Focus on specific companies aiming to solve the world's biggest challenges.

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GIB AM Emerging Markets Active Engagement

Focus on fundamental analysis and engagement to drive change in underappreciated companies.

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GIB AM European Focus

Focus on owning a small number of resilient, adaptable businesses for the long-term.

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GIB AM Sustainable World Corporate Bond

Focus on resilient companies aiming to solve major challenges amongst sustainability themes.

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GIB AM Fixed Income Indexation

Ability to create bespoke portfolios focused on specific return objectives, time horizons and ethical considerations.

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Themes in focus

View our latest insights and research on sustainable investment, which focuses on key themes that we believe are growth drivers of the future.

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Investment team

Find out more about the teams behind our investment strategies.

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