Terms and conditions

You must read the following information before proceeding. It provides information on some of the laws and regulations applicable to your use of this website (the “Website”).
By accessing this Website you are indicating that you have read, acknowledged and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of use (“Terms of Use”), as issued by Gulf International Bank (UK) Limited trading as GIB Asset Management (“GIB”). GIB is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority in the United Kingdom. GIB is incorporated in England and Wales with its registered office at First Floor, One Curzon Street, London, W1J 5HD, United Kingdom and its registered number is 01223938.
Important Legal Notice
Access to this Website
In order to access this Website, you have been asked to select the jurisdiction which is applicable for your intended investment activities. Your selection will be used to determine the information that you will be able to access on this Website. You hereby represent and warrant to GIB that the information that you have provided is true, accurate and complete and you undertake to notify us of any change to such information. You hereby represent and warrant to GIB that by accessing this website you have done so at your own initiative and not as a result of any marketing by GIB. Failure to provide us with accurate information will be treated as a material breach of these Terms of Use.
Certain products or services may not be available in all geographical locations and so information about certain products or services may not be available to all users of this Website. Products or services mentioned on the Website are intended only for distribution in those jurisdictions, where the offering of such products and services is permissible. You must not attempt to gain access to areas of this Website other than those made available to users in the jurisdiction you selected. If the jurisdiction you should select changes, you must access this Website selecting your new jurisdiction. You should be aware that this may result in you not being able to access (i) information in relation to the same products or services as previously, or (ii) any information at all. Please note that the fact of selecting a jurisdiction does not mean that all or any of the investment opportunities in relation to which information is made available, have been deemed suitable for you.
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Certain products or services mentioned on the Website are displayed based on registrations in relevant jurisdictions pursuant to the various registration and passporting facilities available within the European Union; however, there may be additional requirements or formalities which prohibit your investment. Accordingly, you are required to inform yourself and observe any such restrictions.
GIB does not market to retail investors and the Website is not intended for use by retail investors. If you are acting as a financial adviser or intermediary, you agree to access this Website only for the purposes for which you are permitted to do so under applicable law. If you are acting as a financial adviser or intermediary and provide services to clients categorised as retail clients, you agree that you will not share with or provide to your retail clients any information available on this Website that has not been approved for retail use and is not otherwise suitable for your retail clients.
GIB reserves the right to suspend or withdraw access to any page(s) included on this Website without notice at any time and accepts no liability if, for any reason, these pages are unavailable at any time or for any period.
Not for U.S. Persons
The provision of the information in this Website does not constitute an offer of securities to any person in the United States or to any U.S. Person as such term is defined under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The information contained in this site about GIB and/or any of its affiliates is not directed to any person in the United States. Funds referred to herein are neither registered under the Securities Act 1933 of the USA nor under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Consequently, they cannot be offered for sale or be sold in the USA, its territories, possessions, or protectorates under its jurisdiction, nor to nationals, citizens or residents in any of those areas.
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The information provided on this Website constitutes an advertisement pursuant to the Swiss Financial Services Act ("FinSA") and its implementing ordinance. The information provided on this Website does not constitute an offer of any financial instrument. No financial services are provided through this Website, such as investment advice, provision of an offer, or a solicitation, to purchase or sell financial instruments.
The content of this Website is exclusively available to qualified investors (the "Qualified Investors") as defined in Article 10(3) and (3ter) of the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act ("CISA") and its implementing ordinance, at the exclusion of opted-out qualified investors pursuant to Article 5(1) FinSA and without any portfolio management or advisory relationship with a financial intermediary pursuant to Article 10(3ter) CISA ("Excluded Qualified Investors"). Qualified Investors are in particular regulated financial intermediaries such as banks, securities firms, fund management companies, asset managers, managers of collective assets, portfolio managers, trustees, regulated insurance companies, central banks, pension funds with professional treasury operations, companies with professional treasury operations, large companies or private investment structures with professional treasury operations created for high-net-worth clients.
This Website may contain references to collective investment schemes which are not registered with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and for which no representative or paying agent has been or will be appointed in Switzerland.
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Products and services
The Website describes GIB's capabilities and is for information purposes only. None of the material contained on the Website is intended to constitute an offer to sell, or an invitation or solicitation of an offer to buy any product or service provided by GIB or any of its affiliates and must not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision. The Website does not provide any specific investment advice and does not take into consideration the investment needs of any particular investor or investors. Nothing in the Website should be construed as investment, tax, legal or other advice.
Otherwise than as specifically set out, the information on this website must in no circumstances be copied, reproduced or redistributed in whole or in part. You may download or print copies of some of the documentation contained on this website for your own private use only, provided that you do not change any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices. All intellectual and other property information contained in this website shall continue to be held by GIB and no rights of any kind in it shall pass to you.
Price Information
Any prices provided on this Website are indicative only. Such prices or values may not reflect actual prices or values that would be available in the market at the time provided or at the time you may decide to purchase or sell an interest in a particular Fund. GIB accepts no responsibility for updating such price information.
Risk warning
To the extent that this Website contains any information regarding the past performance of any Funds or strategies, such information is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should not be relied upon as a basis for an investment decision. The value of securities and the overall value of any of our portfolios and any income generated by an investment might decrease as well as increase. There are significant risks associated with investment in the products and services provided by GIB and its affiliates. Fluctuations in exchange rates may have a positive or an adverse effect on the value of foreign-currency-denominated financial instruments. Certain investments, in particular: alternative funds and emerging markets, involve an above-average degree of risk and should be seen as long-term in nature. Derivative instruments may involve a high degree of risk. Different types of funds or investments present different degrees of risk.
These Terms and Conditions do not represent a complete statement of the risk factors associated with taking investment decisions. The offering documents for our Funds as well as the risk documents for our strategies contain risk warnings which are specific to these products and services. You should consider these risk warnings carefully before making any investment decisions.
Changes to content
The information contained on this Website is current only as at the date it is first posted and may no longer be true or complete when viewed by you. GIB has expressed its own views and opinions on the Website (or those of its affiliates), and all content on the Website is subject to modification from time to time without notice. GIB is under no obligation to update information and readers should not rely solely on the information contained on the Website in making an investment decision.
To the extent that any information on this Website relates to a third party, this information has been provided by that third party and is the sole responsibility of such third party and, as such, GIB accepts no liability for such information. Whilst GIB seeks to ensure that the information on the Website is accurate and complete at the date of publication, no representation or warranty of any kind regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, completeness or timeliness of the information on this Website or the error-free use of this Website is given and, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, no liability is accepted for the accuracy or completeness of such information. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third-party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus is given in conjunction with the information, materials, products, and services on the Website.
Neither GIB nor any of its affiliates warrant that the Website will meet your needs. You agree to assume the entire risk as to your use of the Website. Any person who acts upon, or changes their investment position in reliance on information contained on this Website, does so entirely at his own risk. GIB and its affiliates do not accept any liability arising from reliance on any inaccuracy, omission in, or the use of or reliance on the information on the Website. In the event of any inconsistency between the information on this Website and the terms of the relevant offering documents, the terms of the offering document shall prevail.
This website may contain links to other sites. GIB is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of those other sites.
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To the extent any information you provide or which we obtain from the Website constitutes personal data, you consent to it being collected, processed and recorded by GIB and its agents and other third parties. All such companies are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information. If you do not wish your information to be used in this way, you should advise GIB by e-mail or in writing. You are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you and may request it by writing to us and requesting it. Please see our Data Protection and Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, which form part of the Terms of Use, for more detailed information.
Governing Law
The content of the Website should be construed under and governed by the laws of England and Wales and the courts of this jurisdiction will have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute that may arise, except where such content is expressed to be governed by the laws of another jurisdiction. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Important Information section unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remainder of this Important Information shall continue in full force and effect.
No part of the Website may be reproduced in any manner without the prior written permission of GIB. Copyright 2024 ©
These Terms of Use are effective as of 01.01.2024