GIB AM Fixed Income Index
For long-term stability in investors’ portfolios, global fixed income strategies are an invaluable source of diversification and risk management.
That is what we aim to achieve through a robust indexation process harnessing our specialist market and country insight. We offer the flexibility to create strategies suited to investors’ individual needs in their portfolio.
Whatever our clients’ needs and risk parameters, we create bespoke fixed income investment strategies through indexation. Our investment team has the flexibility to accommodate any restrictions and ethical considerations, alongside fully optimised diversification in clients’ portfolios.
We believe our deep expertise and knowledge of global markets are significant factors in the success of our fixed income index strategies. Clients can also call on our expert insights to help shape their long-term investment perspective.
Investors can benefit from our ongoing scrutiny of their portfolio using resilient trading and risk management systems. This – combined with our many years of experience – has given our long-term clients confidence in the index portfolios we manage on their behalf.
Bespoke portfolios created for each client’s risk parameters, return requirements and ethical considerations
Cost-effective approach to achieving global fixed income exposure via a range of replication strategies
Tracking error
Low tracking error through continuous index and portfolio monitoring and expert market insight
Established expertise in the sukuk market and other specialist structures to meet a variety of client objectives
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