Policies and Governance

We believe that strong corporate governance practices help build an environment of trust, transparency and accountability that is essential for fostering long-term investment, financial stability and business integrity. This supports an ethical culture, stronger growth and performance, builds corporate legitimacy, and engenders more inclusive societies.

Governance structure

Meet the board of directors

The Board has ultimate authority for the management and control of GIB AM. The Board’s primary role is to oversee the activities of executive management. The Board comprises of Non-Executive Directors to ensure its independence of management and independent judgement.

Board of Directors

The Board has ultimate authority for the management and control of GIB AM. The Board’s primary role is to oversee the activities of executive management. The Board comprises of Non-Executive Directors to ensure its independence of management and consequently to ensure independent judgement on issues brought before it by executive management.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is a Non-Executive Committee of the Board.

The purpose of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) is to:

  • Lead the process for Director Appointments, ensure plans are in place for orderly succession to both the Board and senior management positions and oversee the development of a diverse pipeline for succession.
  • Oversee the design of and recommend to the Board an overall remuneration policy for GIB (UK) that is aligned with its long-term business strategy, business objective, risk appetite, and culture and recognises the interests of relevant stakeholders. It also oversees the implementation of and reviews remuneration and related policies and the alignment of incentives and rewards with culture.

The Board is committed to diversity. We believe that to be effective, a board needs to include individuals with a mix of up-to-date skills and experience covering the major business areas. This will allow the board to make informed decisions and provide effective oversight of the risks. The Board’s diversity statement can be found here.

Under the UK Senior Management and Accountability regime, UK regulators authorise individuals within regulated firms who perform senior management functions, which are roles with particular regulatory significance. GIB (UK) has nominated senior management for several Senior Management functions.

Audit & Risk Oversight Committee

The purpose of the Audit & Risk Oversight Committee is to review and consider any matters relating to the financial affairs, the effectiveness of the risk control and compliance framework of GIB UK and its subsidiary companies to ensure that they remain aligned with the board’s risk appetite and that the board has the management information it needs. The Committee shall seek appropriate assurances from Management, the Internal and External Auditors, the Chief Risk & Compliance Officer and the Money Laundering Reporting Officer.

Policies and reports

Transparency and disclosure

11 document(s)

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