GIB AM Sustainable World


We believe that the greatest opportunities lie in solving the greatest challenges facing both People and the Planet.

To that end, our investment process focuses on identifying the world’s largest social and environmental challenges, and seeks out companies whose products and services provide lasting solutions, resulting in positive performance from their positive impact.


We fully integrate sustainable investment factors into our understanding of each company we analyse. By identifying the sustainable themes and megatrends that will drive company revenues and by assessing the sustainability of operations that will impact profits and returns, we identify those companies that can excel over the long term.



Concentrated 30-65 global developed market stocks


Target MSCI World +2% (gross) over rolling 5 years


Diversified multi-theme, liquid mainstream structure


Long only, unhedged, no derivatives


Matthew Kates

Fund Manager - European Equities

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Bhavin Siyani, CFA

Global Equity Analyst

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Collective impact requires commitment, collaboration and action towards clearly defined goals.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

As a boutique asset manager, we value diversity, encourage inclusion and support the well-being of our colleagues.

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