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To ban or not to ban? ESG is the question

01/24 GIB Asset Management By Gregga Baxter
Gregga Baxter

Gregga Baxter

General Manager: New York

Gregga is the General Manager of Gulf International Bank New York. He oversees all the capital and trade flow businesses between the GCC and the Americas. With over 40 years’ experience in the business, he has extensive insight into asset management, treasury and corporate finance globally.

During his time at GIB, he has established portfolio solutions for institutional clients, managed high yield and structured credit portfolios as well as completed a number of notable transactions, including the first international syndicated loan for a Saudi borrower, the first successful IPO for a Saudi issuer, the establishment of the first major private sector petrochemical joint venture in Saudi Arabia, as well as the first major privatisation in the region.

Gregga has an MA degree from the University of Oxford.

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